Subscribe - The Sunday Sales Pro

Finally, No-Fluff Sales Advice That Actually Works


Every Sunday, I'll send you one focused, tactical resource to sharpen your sales skills and boost your earnings, all whilst creating a life on your terms.

Stories & Examples = Gateway To Emotion Jul 08, 2024

I feel like this is a cheat code to sales, but nobody seems to be doing it.

I have a good friend who is a master of NLP.

I was doing some work with him a few years ago, trying to get better on my...

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How To Move From Short Term To Longer Time Horizons In Sales Jul 07, 2024

When you think about your sales career, how far ahead are you looking? A month? A quarter? A year?

If you’re like most, you’re thinking about the commissions you’ll get next week...

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Should You Go Full Time On Just One Offer? Jul 07, 2024

If you've been following me for a while, you know I'm a big believer in running 2-3 accounts at the same time.

It mitigates risk, provides variety, and positions you very differently in the market....

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A 3 Step Closing Sequence Jun 10, 2024

The close - the last tiny little bit of the call that seems to carry a whole lot of weight.

It’s also the point where the heart rate goes up and the pressure rises.

You’ve gone through...

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How To Create Desire Within The Prospect For The Deliverables Of Your Program Jun 03, 2024
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The Simple Equation Of Sales Jun 01, 2024

When you break sales right down to its core, it's a simple equation.

In the eyes of the prospect, the perceived discomfort of moving forward must be less than the perceived discomfort of not moving...

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What If The Prospect Thinks They Can Do It Alone? May 20, 2024

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the follow-up game when a prospect has said that they can do it themselves, and they genuinely believe it.

Follow-up is inevitable.

You simply cannot close...

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My Ego Cost Me Some Great Opportunities May 13, 2024

This is a story I share with people I coach, but I think it is something that needs to be heard in this industry.

Before I was in high-ticket sales, I came from corporate sales.

I had closed single...

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The Fortune In A Follow-Up System May 12, 2024

As I write this, it's 11:35 AM on a Monday morning. 

I'm at a cafe having coffee and a piece of rhubarb crumble.

By 11 AM this morning, I had closed just over 130k.

This is one of the rare...

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Why Your Limiting Beliefs Create Objections May 01, 2024

I typically work with 5 to 7 1:1 clients at a time.

I don't open up more than this, solely because I want to make a profound difference with each of them.

This also allows me to get an in-depth...

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How Do You Define An A+ Offer? Apr 23, 2024

This is a question I've been asked a bunch of times lately.

How do you define an A+ offer?

To me, it's an offer that lets you live life on your terms, an offer that you enjoy taking calls for, one...

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How To Sell To Both Partners On A Call Apr 15, 2024

The partner conversation on sales calls is probably one of the worst handled things across the board.

Every piece of sales collateral says we need to get the partner on the call.

Yet, when it does...

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How To Be The Obvious Choice For A Sales Role Apr 03, 2024

If you’re more than a few months into your sales career, you’ve likely realized that it can be a turbulent life and there will inevitably be role changes.

Could you get a safe account...

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Interviewing For A Sales Role When You Already Have One Mar 25, 2024

The big question is, should you interview with other companies when you’re already on a good offer?

Salespeople feel as though they’re doing wrong by the company they work with, as well...

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Effective Note Taking On Sales Calls Mar 18, 2024

There are two main reasons you need to take notes on a sales call.

  1. You need to ensure you don’t forget to ask about something whilst on the call.
  2. You also need to be able to copy it into the...
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Selling Heaven: How to Align Your Pitch with Your Prospect's Dreams Mar 11, 2024

Sitting there right now, I want you to imagine what success looks like to you.

Genuinely take a minute or two.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

Who are you with?

How did you wake up?

How do...

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How To "Find Your Style" In Sales Mar 04, 2024

How many times have you heard salespeople say that you should develop a style that is authentically you?

“Find your own style” they say.

For me, this was one of the most confusing...

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If I Were to Tell You...How One Phrase Boosts Sales Feb 26, 2024

If I were to tell you that close-ended responses are killing your sales, what would you say?

You’d probably ask me what I meant, or maybe you’d think about a scenario in which...

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