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Finally, No-Fluff Sales Advice That Actually Works


Every Sunday, I'll send you one focused, tactical resource to sharpen your sales skills and boost your earnings, all whilst creating a life on your terms.

Why Your Prospects Aren't Buying, Even Though You Offer Everything They Need Feb 13, 2024

How often do you get to the end of a call, you know you can help the prospect with everything they want, yet they still decide not to buy?

You sit there, wondering what the hell happened.

I can say...

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Selling To Successful Prospects Who Have Seen It All Before Feb 04, 2024

Imagine if you, as a sales pro, hopped on a sales call as a prospect with another remote closer who has done some basic sales training.

You spend a few minutes in the chit chat, then they head...

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Guiding Prospects to Their Own Answers Jan 28, 2024

You might think that the prospect is coming to you at the start of their journey to solve a problem.

That’s rarely the case.

They’ve been feeling the symptoms for some time.


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How To Pre-Handle Objections Jan 22, 2024

Objections, the big dirty word in sales.

It’s the one thing you dread.

I think this one element has prematurely ended thousands, if not millions of sales careers.

The obvious solution seems...

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Think Like The Godfather: An Offer They Can’t Refuse Jan 15, 2024

How many times in the past year have you heard people talk about Alex Hormozi’s quote “Make people an offer they can’t refuse” (I believe he was repurposing a quote from The...

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How To Resolve Problems With An Offer Jan 08, 2024

Going to an offer owner/manager about an issue can be frustrating.

You see a problem, you have ideas, you only want things to get better, yet they dismiss you.

It could be:

  • Marketing
  • Lead prep
  • ...
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How To Stop Sounding "Too Nice" On Calls Jan 01, 2024

When you think of a typical salesperson, what comes to mind?

Most of the time, it’s the overly friendly, higher pitched chipper version of yourself that you feel you have to present.


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Should You Quit Your Current Offer? Dec 25, 2023

Companies rise and fall every day.

Something that was once great can no longer put anything on the calendar.

If they do put a booking on there, it’s not even close to being a decent prospect....

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How To Find A+ Sales Roles Dec 17, 2023

Finding a decent sales gig isn't easy.

If you go to any job board, you’ll see hundreds of people comment below a post that they’re “interested”.

They might DM the...

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Part 2 - What Would I Do If I Was Just Starting Out Dec 10, 2023

Last week I covered the first few steps I would take if I were starting out in remote sales, this week is a continuation of that.

The general theme of this newsletter is...

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What Would I Do If I Was Just Starting Out? Dec 04, 2023

What would I do if I just started in remote sales?

I get asked this question a lot.

People are constantly in my DM’s saying they’ve just started in HT, and are looking for their first...

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The On-Road Set Up I Use Dec 04, 2023
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4 Ways To Handle - "I'd Like To Speak To Someone You Work With" Nov 20, 2023

“All sounds good. Before I get started, I would like to speak with someone you work with.”

If you were anything like me earlier in my sales career, I would pounce on this. I had my few...

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Endless Referrals And No More Clawbacks - How To Nail Handover Nov 14, 2023

Handover is boring, right? Just an admin task after you’ve already got what you wanted?

Wrong. Very, very wrong.

For context, handover is that part of the call after you’ve made the...

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The Salesperson's Dilemma: Balancing Vision and Market Realities Nov 05, 2023

There are three realities for all companies.

  •  The founder's perspective.
  •  The market's perspective.
  •  The salesperson's perspective.

But why does this matter?

And why is that...

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How To Answer "Tell Me About Yourself" Oct 22, 2023

 “Tell me about yourself.” is a staple in all interviews.

What you say in this 1-2 minute spiel will be the foundation for all the questions you get asked. 

Get this right,...

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Features vs Benefits vs Symptoms Oct 15, 2023

Prospects don't think in features and benefits, so why do we? 

At one point in my career I sold software. I was hired because none of the existing salespeople were able to put enough...

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High-Level vs Low-Level Prospects Oct 09, 2023

People talk a lot about two main groups of prospects:

  •  High level / high emotional state / sophisticated / intelligent
  •  Low level / low emotional state / unsophisticated / uneducated


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